Valentines Day series

Valentines Day series

Valentines Day series

Valentines Day series

Valentines Day series

Valentines Day series

AI Kiss

AI kiss

AI Kiss

Alice AI Wonderland

Alice AI Wonderland

Alice AI Wonderland

Alice AI Wonderland

Beyonce for Gucci

Beyonce for Gucci

Beyonce for Gucci

Beyonce for Gucci

Havaianas PDV test For Olimpiadas

Havaianas PDV test For Olimpiadas

Havaianas PDV test For Olimpiadas

Havaianas PDV test For Olimpiadas

Havaianas PDV test For Natal/New year's Eve

Havaianas PDV test For Carnaval

Havaianas PDV test For Carnaval

Havaianas PDV test For New Year's Eve

To celebrate the International Women's Day, I decided to use AI to recreate and think about what real-life warriors and princesses would look like. These who are actually businesswomen, mothers, housewives who are exhausted and decide to go to a yoga and meditation retreat to take care of themselves. Your super power is to be you, take care, love yourself. Happy International Women's Day :)

To celebrate the International Women's Day, I decided to use AI to recreate and think about what real-life warriors and princesses would look like. These who are actually businesswomen, mothers, housewives who are exhausted and decide to go to a yoga and meditation retreat to take care of themselves. Your super power is to be you, take care, love yourself. Happy International Women's Day :)

To celebrate the International Women's Day, I decided to use AI to recreate and think about what real-life warriors and princesses would look like. These who are actually businesswomen, mothers, housewives who are exhausted and decide to go to a yoga and meditation retreat to take care of themselves. Your super power is to be you, take care, love yourself. Happy International Women's Day :)

To celebrate the International Women's Day, I decided to use AI to recreate and think about what real-life warriors and princesses would look like. These who are actually businesswomen, mothers, housewives who are exhausted and decide to go to a yoga and meditation retreat to take care of themselves. Your super power is to be you, take care, love yourself. Happy International Women's Day :)

To celebrate the International Women's Day, I decided to use AI to recreate and think about what real-life warriors and princesses would look like. These who are actually businesswomen, mothers, housewives who are exhausted and decide to go to a yoga and meditation retreat to take care of themselves. Your super power is to be you, take care, love yourself. Happy International Women's Day :)

To celebrate the International Women's Day, I decided to use AI to recreate and think about what real-life warriors and princesses would look like. These who are actually businesswomen, mothers, housewives who are exhausted and decide to go to a yoga and meditation retreat to take care of themselves. Your super power is to be you, take care, love yourself. Happy International Women's Day :)

Taking advantage of the concept of Valentine’s Day, I decided to recreate some iconic movie kisses and combine for the first time, Chat GPT + MidJourney. Which is one is your favorite? :)

Taking advantage of the concept of Valentine’s Day, I decided to recreate some iconic movie kisses and combine for the first time, Chat GPT + MidJourney. Which is one is your favorite? :)

Taking advantage of the concept of Valentine’s Day, I decided to recreate some iconic movie kisses and combine for the first time, Chat GPT + MidJourney. Which is one is your favorite? :)

Taking advantage of the concept of Valentine’s Day, I decided to recreate some iconic movie kisses and combine for the first time, Chat GPT + MidJourney. Which is one is your favorite? :)

Taking advantage of the concept of Valentine’s Day, I decided to recreate some iconic movie kisses and combine for the first time, Chat GPT + MidJourney. Which is one is your favorite? :)

I attended Benjamin Benichou webinar about the power of AI in visual storytelling. I felt inspired by his creations, so I decided to create some futuristic stores for Givenchy to be able to exercise what I saw :) They are really crazy and seem as if they had collaborated with artists. I liked the result!

I attended Benjamin Benichou webinar about the power of AI in visual storytelling. I felt inspired by his creations, so I decided to create some futuristic stores for Givenchy to be able to exercise what I saw :) They are really crazy and seem as if they had collaborated with artists. I liked the result!

I attended Benjamin Benichou webinar about the power of AI in visual storytelling. I felt inspired by his creations, so I decided to create some futuristic stores for Givenchy to be able to exercise what I saw :) They are really crazy and seem as if they had collaborated with artists. I liked the result!

I attended Benjamin Benichou webinar about the power of AI in visual storytelling. I felt inspired by his creations, so I decided to create some futuristic stores for Givenchy to be able to exercise what I saw :) They are really crazy and seem as if they had collaborated with artists. I liked the result!

I attended Benjamin Benichou webinar about the power of AI in visual storytelling. I felt inspired by his creations, so I decided to create some futuristic stores for Givenchy to be able to exercise what I saw :) They are really crazy and seem as if they had collaborated with artists. I liked the result!

I attended Benjamin Benichou webinar about the power of AI in visual storytelling. I felt inspired by his creations, so I decided to create some futuristic stores for Givenchy to be able to exercise what I saw :) They are really crazy and seem as if they had collaborated with artists. I liked the result!